Get a perfect staff to run your business
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Introducing Outstaff
Decentralized Workforce
Thousands of affordable, motivated and highly-skilled remote workers
to help you save time and money to get a job done.
Get a quote
Facing tough
Can’t afford to
lower your cost?
Unable to increase
your profit?
How to survive an
economic crisis?
Plan to
Don't have
an office?
Can't manage
Lack of control over
remote employees?
Difficulty recruiting
new staff?
Struggling to
provide training?
Low employee
you experience
these issues
  • Facing tough
  • Can’t afford to
    lower your cost?
  • Unable to increase
    your profit?
  • How to survive an
    economic crisis?
  • Plan to
  • Don't have
    an office?
  • Can't manage
  • Lack of control over
    remote employees?
  • Difficulty recruiting
    new staff?
  • Struggling to
    provide training?
  • Low employee
We offer
a smart solution
Our mission is to help small and medium-size businesses get more done with less money and with minimum liability. By using a decentralized workforce, you
Save 50% - 87%
on the cost of office, training, managing and keeping “in-house” employees.
We create a competitive advantage.
Remote dedicated team of exclusive employees
Our flexible service offers a smart extension to your existing workforce or stand alone exclusive staff. Our remote staff model can help you decrease expenses, minimize liability, increase company’s focus, and maximize your profits. And best of all, there is absolutely no contact involved. You can walk away at any time.
Extension of existing team with remote employees
Our office
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  • William Tiberti
    CEO Starlight Logistics Inc
    Saved me tons of money!
    I was a bit wary about hiring a remote dispatcher, but now my risks payed off. Every week I’m saving at least $700 that I can spend elsewhere. At the same time I don’t have to deal with finding and training my own dispatchers or keeping an office. It just doesn’t make financial sense to spend four dollars when you can get the same thing for a buck. Wish I started using them earlier.
  • Roman Kuharsky
    Owner-Operator DMX Trans Inc
    Trucking experts!
    I was dispatching myself from the truck trying to save on dispatching costs. As all drivers know it’s not a safe decision while driving. There were times when I missed opportunities because I had to navigate the traffic. Now it all changed with Outstaff. They offer dispatching solution for a very competitive rate and even provide me better paying loads. Besides that I always have a dispatcher on duty.
  • Mikhail Timofeev
    Owner Paradise Express Inc
    Outstaff rocks!
    I needed someone to handle my trucking dispatch and accounting, which I had no knowledge, so I emailed Outstaff. Bam! Problem solved! Now I finally got a dispatcher and a bookkeeper who keeps my invoices under control and most important it all costed me three times less than a single employee I had to keep in my office. No more office payments as well.
  • James Hudson
    Founder Grahm Enterprises LLC
    Solution that works!
    As any small business owner can tell you, managing employees is one of the hardest parts of the job, not to mention financial obligation to satisfy ever changing government regulations. Outstaff makes my life much easier by taking that worry off my plate. I wish Outstaff had been around when I first went into business for myself 14 years ago.
  • Timur Oybekov
    Owner-Operator Freighter Inc
    Two giant thumbs up for Outstaff!
    After working with other dispatchers from who knows where, I decided to try out Outstaff. First two weeks we had to break in, but soon after I was satisfied with their results. Comparing to other companies, they have trained dispatchers that know their job. Also their setup is very professional, providing organized files and operations.
No Contract
Data Security
NDA Guarantee
US Based
  • No Contract
  • Data Security
  • NDA Guarantee
  • US Based