Get a perfect staff to run your business
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The future belongs to smart operations,
don’t be left behind.
Outsourcing is simple... Our employees will work for you by your rules!
Reasons to
outstaff your
  • Remote work is the future
  • Higher productivity
  • Cost and savings
  • Less stress
  • Frexibility to scale
  • Dedicated professionals
  • Less liability
  • Less staff turnaround
Top 10 reasons to
choose Outstaff as
your workforce
US-based company and account managers for total transparency
Senior enrollment officers
with over 37 years of
recruitment experience
Most staff hold master
degrees from prominent
High level of English
proficiency with yet
continuous development
In-house industry
consultants with ever
changing trends
Different time zones allow
us to work 24/7
Outstaff difference
Your company needs:
Outstaff has:
Hiring and HR
Money to advertise, time to interview
Pool of qualified applicants
Save time and money
Time to train, knowledge
Industry expert seminars, written its own books, consultants
Save time and stress
Money for an office, equipment, merchandise
High-tech offices, comfortable work spaces
Save money and space
Monitoring and Managing
Money to employ a manager, time to oversee
Continuous 24/7 managers on duty, video monitoring
Save money and have control
Employee Motivation
Inspiration, specific skills
Team-building events, mentors, performance accomplishments
Save time and avoid negativity
Morning, Evening, Night Shifts
Money for multiple employees
Multiple shift staff
Save money and be efficient
Workers compensation, W-2,
insurance, benefits, overtime
Outsourcing classification
Save money and audits
Match US market prices
Cost 50%-75% less
Save colossal money
Liability and Termination
Two-weeks notice
No contract to cancel
Save money and huge risks
savings over 37%
Grow your business
You as a customer?
Smart business with 87% saving
As a business owner and an employer, your risk of labor-related lawsuits has never been greater. Federal court filings of wage and overtime lawsuits have increased drastically in recent years. One of the popular is miss-classification employees as “independent contractors” that often results in IRS audit and massive fines. The good news is by outstaffing now, you can eliminate costly risks and avoid unwanted visits. Outstaff will keep you in compliance!
As a business owner and an employer, your risk of labor-related lawsuits has never been greater. Federal court filings of wage and overtime lawsuits have increased drastically in recent years. One of the popular is miss-classification employees as “independent contractors” that often results in IRS audit and massive fines. The good news is by outstaffing now, you can eliminate costly risks and avoid unwanted visits. Outstaff will keep you in compliance!
Hiring and HR
Save time and money
Save time and stress
Save money and space
Monitoring and Managing
Save money and have control
Employee Motivation
Save time and avoid negativity
Morning, Evening, Night Shifts
Save money and be efficient
Save money and audits
Save colossal money
Liability and Termination
Save money and huge risks
savings over 37%
Grow your business
Smart business with 87% saving
Problem: Your company needs:
Problem: Outstaff has:
Hiring and HR Money to advertise, time to interview
Hiring and HR Pool of qualified applicants
Training Time to train, knowledge
Training Industry expert seminars, written its own books, consultants
Workplace Money for an office, equipment, merchandise
Workplace High-tech offices, comfortable work spaces
Monitoring and Managing Money to employ a manager, time to oversee
Monitoring and Managing Continuous 24/7 managers on duty, video monitoring
Employee Motivation Inspiration, specific skills
Employee Motivation Team-building events, mentors, performance accomplishments
Morning, Evening, Night Shifts Money for multiple employees
Morning, Evening, Night Shifts Multiple shift staff
Regulation Workers compensation, W-2,
insurance, benefits, overtime
Regulation Outsourcing classification
Salary Match US market prices
Salary Cost 50%-75% less
Liability and Termination Two-weeks notice
Liability and Termination No contract to cancel
Grow your business Outstaff
Grow your business You as a customer?
Hiring and HR Save time and money
Training Save time and stress
Workplace Save money and space
Monitoring and Managing Save money and have control
Employee Motivation Save time and avoid negativity
Morning, Evening, Night Shifts Save money and be efficient
Regulation Save money and audits
Salary Save colossal money
Liability and Termination Save money and huge risks
savings over 37%
Grow your business Smart business with 87% saving
As a business owner and an employer, your risk of labor-related lawsuits has never been greater. Federal court filings of wage and overtime lawsuits have increased drastically in recent years. One of the popular is miss-classification employees as “independent contractors” that often results in IRS audit and massive fines. The good news is by outstaffing now, you can eliminate costly risks and avoid unwanted visits. Outstaff will keep you in compliance!
Prevent Unpaid Overtime
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) mandates require employers to pay non-exempt employees overtime after 40 hours of work in a work week. If overtime pay isn’t calculated and compensated for correctly, employers can run into trouble.
Avoid Meal Break Violations
Meal break laws differ from state to sate, making compliance especially difficult for employers operating across multiple states. Without ongoing enforcement and monitoring, employers risk being held liable for meal break violations and pay miscalculations.
Eliminate Payroll Errors
Failure to properly compensate employees for all hours worked is the most frequently cited violation made by the Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division. Improper time rounding and failing to pay employees for work-related travel time are common, yet avoidable wage and hour violations.
Maintain Accurate Wage and Hour Records
The Fair Labor Standards Act requires employers to maintain detailed records of employee work hours and wage history, This presents challenges for companies that rely on manual time tracking.
Waive False Workers’ Comp Claims
Every employer is required under federal and state law to pay workers' compensation insurance for all of its employees. Occasionally workers's compensations claims involve fabricated injuries or such that actually occurred away from the job.
Over 90% of companies use some sort of outstaffing, offshoring or outsourcing to build their empires.
Why can’t you?